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Thursday, June 24, 2004


Jimmy went to school and when he got there the teacher asked
them "To tell a story ,that had happened to them, with a moral."
A girl raised her hand and said "I was making cerel and I spilled
milk." My mom told me "There is no use in crying over spilled milk."
The teacher responded "That was good,any one else." Jimmy told her his story
"My father was in the army with several Yankees on his a**;he killed 5 with the
shotgun,3 with the bowie knife on the end of the gun,and he still had 3
more to kill.He toke out his wiskie bottle drank it and the killed
the rest."The teacher replied "Thats an awful story Jimmy what happens
to be the moral." Jimmy said "Don't FUCK with my father when he is drunk."

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